Kszntelek titeket az It'sMBLAQ oldalon, ami egy ttag koreai ficsapattal foglalkozik, melynek a neve Music Boys Live in Absolute Quality, rviden csak MBLAQ. 2009 oktberben debtltak s mr kt minialbumuk jelent meg, a "Just BLAQ" s a "Y". 2010ben pedig vgre els teljes stdi albumuk a "BLAQ Style". Tagjai: SeungHo, G.O, Joon, Mir s Thunder.
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Stay With Japan
Sesame Player Ep. 1 eng sub, STARDUST Lee Joon, gy kszlt K.Will videklipp, MBC 50 Anniversary, INFINITE teaser w MBLAQ & B2ST, Twitter
Stay with Japan mozgalom!
Az A+-sok ltrehoztak egy oldalt, ahol MBLAQ fanok tudnak pnzt kldeni ill. adomnyozni.
Krnk mindenkit, hogy akinek tnyleg van r lehetsge akkor adomnyozzon!
Elhoztam nektek megksve a Sesame Player els rszt angol felirattal. (A feliratot a kis zszl s a megtekints szmll kztt talljtok, neve: "Interaktv tirat" katt arra r s meg fog jelenni a felirat alul.)
Up until now, no one ever thought that a modern country like Japan would be hit devastatingly by two natural calamities. And it's admirbale that despite such conditions of the town, people are still disciplined when it comes to taking daily supplies and necessities. The country of Japan has been the topic of most business essayI have written as I am very much interested into how the government and its people run their country. Even more admirable is the fact that there are still help and donations pouring in from celebrities all over the world and even ordinary citizens.
Up until now, no one ever thought that a modern country like Japan would be hit devastatingly by two natural calamities. And it's admirbale that despite such conditions of the town, people are still disciplined when it comes to taking daily supplies and necessities. The country of Japan has been the topic of most business essay I have written as I am very much interested into how the government and its people run their country. Even more admirable is the fact that there are still help and donations pouring in from celebrities all over the world and even ordinary citizens.